Elena Yegorova
Director of Engineering. Sainsbury's
Speaker profile
Elena Yegorova is a leader in engineering, with over 15 years’ experience building, scaling and empowering teams to reach their full potential through skill development and collaboration. Director of Engineering for Nectar and Customers at Sainsbury’s, PhD in AI, Elena has a particular passion for coaching and growing the next generation of leaders. Her range of management experience, from a five-person startup up to major organisations, means she’s learnt how to be adaptable and is always keen to learn more. Her perpetual obsession with data science can be traced back to her PhD studies in Artificial Intelligence. From her time working with complex financial systems, BaaS and SaaS solutions, Adtech, Fintech and Retail, Elena has earned a strong record of solutions delivery, always driving innovation with an analytical, strategic and holistic approach.

Thursday 03 October
15:00 - 15:30 | Women in Tech & STEM Theatre