Wednesday 02 October
14:20 - 14:50 | Keynote Theatre
How to Create a Modern Digital Broadcasting Hub Without Going Off Air
Come and hear about how the BBC undertook the biggest change transformational and capital spend programme in its time, so it could create a modern digital production hub in Central London. Its mission was to completely redevelop the 1930’s headquarters to be fit for digital future. It took 10 years to complete!
This is the story of why the BBC spent a billion pounds, how we built 17 TV Stations & 50 Radio Stations, created the Europe’s biggest newsroom. Reduced our storage by 75%, delivered 126 training courses & 41,886 days of training with 99.1% attendance, and migrated 5,539 people in 72 weekends!
Oh, and all of that and more without going off air! It went on to win the APM programme Award in 2013.