2-3 October 2024

ExCel London


Thursday 03 October

13:00 - 13:30   |   Women in Business Theatre

Empower Your Financial Future: Key Priorities for Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

In today’s world, we play diverse roles both within our personal and professional lives. However, securing long-term financial well-being can be uniquely challenging for women due to factors such as career interruptions and the gender pay gap.

At Wellesley, we understand these challenges and will work with you to create a flexible plan that aligns with your financial goals. We’ll guide you through complex decisions, helping you feel confident, better prepared, and more in control of your money.

So, whether you’re a business owner, director, or simply want to ensure your money is working effectively for you, join me for an insight into what we believe should be your key financial priorities.

Her Wealth at Wellesley

See speaker profiles

Samantha Kaye




4-5 June 2024

Manchester Central


2-3 October 2024

ExCel London