Wednesday 02 October
16:20 - 16:50 | Women in Tech & STEM Theatre
Building Confidence and Resilience – Overcoming “the only one in the room”
It is a very familiar scenario for many women who has chosen to pursue a career in STEM, the overwhelming sense of loneliness and isolation for being always outnumbered. The lack of peer support can often lead to self-doubt, erosion of confidence and belonging. Over time, this could result in feeling demotivated and frustrated. Building resilience and inner strength is critical in any career, more so for women in STEM, in beating the odds.
In this session I will cover practical considerations such as forming a support network, learning to be assertive yet not aggressive, trusting your instinct and having strong beliefs in your capabilities, leveraging your cheerleader, to acquiring that inner strength (knowing you’re capable), and other tips to advance your career.