Intellectual Property Office
T: | 44 (0)1633 814000 |
E: | information@ipo.gov.uk |
W: | www.gov.uk/government/organisations/intellectual-property-office |
Business profile
The IPO is the government body which is responsible for the administration and granting of IP rights in the UK, and for developing the necessary legislative and policy frameworks around IP.
Our ambition is to be the best IP office, helping the UK to become the most innovative and creative country in the world. In order to achieve this, we aim to Deliver Excellent IP Services and ensure that the UK continues to have a World-Leading IP Environment.
IP is the collective terms of creations of the mind and the fixed formats in which they can be protected.
The different kinds of IP rights are patents, copyright, designs (both registered and unregistered), trade marks, and then you have confidentiality, and trade secrets.
Wednesday 02 October
13:00 - 13:30 | Women in Business Theatre