2-3 October 2024

ExCel London


Thursday 03 October

13:40 - 14:10   |   Women in Tech & STEM Theatre

The Allyship Illusion: Why ‘Fixing’ Women Is Breaking Tech

In the tech industry, we’ve been sold a comforting lie about diversity and allyship. Despite years of diversity initiatives, women’s leadership programs, and well-intentioned male allies, gender parity remains frustratingly out of reach. This talk challenges the very foundation of our approach to diversity and active allyship in tech.

Kellie and Lee argue that our current model of allyship, focused on “fixing” women – making them more confident, more assertive, more “leader-like” – is not only misguided but actively harmful.

Drawing from their experiences and backed by startling statistics, they demonstrate how the tech industry’s patriarchal structures remain firmly in place, cleverly disguised behind a veneer of progress and performative allyship. They argue that the real problem isn’t women’s capabilities or choices, nor is it a lack of well-meaning allies. Instead, it’s a deeply flawed system that resists meaningful change, even in the face of seemingly progressive allyship efforts.

This talk isn’t about making anyone comfortable. It’s about shaking the very foundations of how we approach gender and allyship in tech. Kellie and Lee will challenge both men and women to rethink their roles in perpetuating the allyship illusion. They’ll question whether our current understanding of active allyship is truly driving change or merely reinforcing existing power structures.

See speaker profiles

Kellie Kwarteng

Halzak | Elevate Women in Tech

Lee Chambers



4-5 June 2024

Manchester Central


2-3 October 2024

ExCel London