2-3 October 2024

ExCel London


Jane Mustoe

Enabling Functions Technology, Technology Innovation Lab and Finance Change Director. Tesco

Speaker profile

Jane has held various global management positions in both the retail and financial services sectors. Her roles have encompassed enterprise functions, Investment Banking, Wealth and Investment Management, and Corporate Banking. Jane recognizes the significance of technology and data as pivotal drivers of value.  Currently, Jane is responsible for Enabling Functions technology overusing all aspects of technology deliver from strategy and product development, to engineering and operations.  She also is responsible for Tesco technology Innovation Labs, a team dedicated to pioneering future advancements in retail the technology Innovation Lab. Jane actively participates in events that promote and support Women and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Technology initiatives, both internally and externally to Tesco.

When she isn’t at work, Jane loves music and plays the violin as much as she can, in between walking the dog.


Wednesday 02 October


16:20 - 17:00   |   Keynote Theatre

PANEL: Empowering Women in Tech: Finding Your Voice and Making an Impact

Sonya Barlow

Like Minded Females

Jane Mustoe

Enabling Functions Technology, Technology Innovation Lab and Finance Change Director,

Eugenia Planas

Deputy Governorship Chief Information Officer,
Bank of England

Rebecca Appleyard

Senior Technical Architect, Legal Aid Agency Digital,
Ministry of Justice



4-5 June 2024

Manchester Central


2-3 October 2024

ExCel London